Founder, Nancy Economou, is often asked about her background and how it influenced her motivation to start Watts of Love. The answer is rather simple.

Nancy did not have a background in business and had no understanding of how to start a company. Instead, she was a stay-at-home mother and spent her time nurturing and caring for her family. As a mother, Nancy exhibited compassion and empathy. She is a strong and curious woman, and wanted to set an example for her children that it is possible to make dreams a reality.
Her journey began in the Philippines in 2009, when Nancy encountered a girl whose face was burned and scarred by a kerosene lamp. Nancy had been visiting the Philippines on a business trip with her husband. However, she was curious to learn more about the people and local life in the Philippines.
Nancy volunteered at a local feeding program in a rural community with a majority of the population living without access to electricity. There, she encountered the girl whose face had been burned. She was told the only treatment they could provide was to rub toothpaste on the wound. However, the problem was bigger than just one child who suffered injury from kerosene. She witnessed children left unattended in complete darkness while their parents worked at night. In that moment, Nancy was inspired to make a change.
As a mother, she was moved with compassion after seeing the detrimental effects of kerosene lamps, most strikingly, the accidental burnings among children. She knew there had to be a simple solution and felt the urgency to make a difference. Her goal was to develop a safe, sustainable lighting source for those living in extreme poverty, without basic access to electricity.
After returning home from her trip, Nancy continued to dream about lighting the world but did not have the knowledge on how to make it possible. Not knowing what to do next, she shared with an acquaintance her experience in the Philippines and her dream. Nancy was told, “you were given that dream for a reason. Don’t give up on it.” This conversation was exactly the push she needed to take action.
Nancy was able to develop a user-friendly, solar-powered lamp that can be used in any environment to bring light to those oppressed by real and metaphorical darkness. Through Watts of Love, Nancy has found communities in desperate need of light and gives them hope. She became a voice for the voiceless.
Nancy could not do it alone, many people hit the “I believe button” and came along side to propel the mission. One of the first was Founding Member Kevin Kuster. Recognizing the incredible impact the Watts of Love program was having and the potential of the organization, Kevin, Nancy’s brother, was inspired to lend his extensive experience to capturing stories and building the Watts of Love brand. As a professional photographer, Kevin is the visual talent behind our many compelling images, videos and brand. His ability to capture powerful moments of joy, hope and inspiration are evidenced in many of the incredible faces you see. A special thanks to the many whose efforts made Watts of Love a global movement transforming the world into a brighter place.
The joy of Giving families such tangible hope is an overwhelming privilege and honor.
The cycle of poverty is being broken and hope is ignited.
Families become successful exactly where they are, and the next generation is learning how to thrive in their current environment and knowing there’s a brighter future.”