Light Design
Watts of Love’s patented technology provides sustainable, renewable light to households in the most impoverished communities in the world.
The lights are intentionally designed so people can physically wear this new light on their body, on their head, or be used hands-free.
Women can hide it inside their blouse and regardless of what a person is doing—farming, fishing, going to get water—they can keep the light on them and hide it. It is small, compact, portable, water-resistant, and durable to serve the needs of the people we serve.
Watts of Love is always learning from our light recipients on how to make our light design better. Every feature on the light has been inspired by the people we serve.
Our lights were reviewed by “Jerry Rig Everything”, a tech reviewer with 8.5 million followers on YouTube.

Light Features
Small and Lightweight: Easy to transport or conceal
Long-Lasting Battery: Lasts up to 120 hours for lighting longevity
Multi-Purpose Lanyard: Allows for light to be adjusted for various needs: headlamp, hang around body or house, portable
Various Light Settings: Provides multiple light options: dim to bright light, flashing emergency
Raised Heart Power Button: Easy to find for those with poor eyesight or in complete darkness
Delayed Power Button: The light does not accidentally turn on and drain the battery
Large Operational Click Button: Inclusive for all recipients not having the use of fingers or control of fine motor skills
Multi-Functional Packaging: Slit on top of the box to function as a bank for savings
Micro USB: Allows for a quicker charge if electricity is available
Raised Corners: Layer of protection for solar panel in rough conditions
UL Certification: Verifies safety and longevity of lithium battery